Wichit provides the best solution for your athletic club data management. We also provide outstanding websites for athletic clubs.

"Much to my pleasant surprise, there have been no issues with the software that caused any sort of disruption..."

Tyron Lagerwall President Riverhead Amateur Athletic Club

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"The printing of event sheets and entering results has saved us so much time and is a simple process to follow ..."

Lucy Finch Vice President, Woady Yalloak Athletics Club, VIC

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Club Manager

  • Easy to use
  • Every thing you need
  • Intuitive
  • Supported

Point Score and Awards in Club Manager

Club Manager offers an easy to use and explain point score


Point Score

Club Manager offers a point score system that will meet your needs. It is a straight-forward system whereby points can be set to be awarded:

  • for attendance when a result is recorded
  • for PB or equal PB
  • for place in event - for heat, club within club, and overall
  • for special points for championship attendance etc

Points can be set for each aspect. If you only want to award points for the first three places you can simply leave place 4 to 7 as zero.

If you run a handicap day you can use the point score system to ascertain awards for the day. 

Running a simple point score like this takes away the burden for the event manager and age managers. A simple point score makes it easy to support award decisions and explain point score and awards it to parents and athletes. 

The point score can be calculated and used for analysis during the season.

If you're into a more complex point score system you can export your results from Club Manager and import them into Excel for manipulation.

A point score report can be generated:

  • for all or selected age groups and genders.
  • for all or selected event types
  • for totals points, for attendance, or place
  • for sort by Total Points, PB points, place or name



Awards and Certificates

Club Manager will not only help you ascertain the recipients of awards but can print the certificates and provide a list of recipients. This makes preparation for award night just that much easier. 

Certificates can be generated for Season Best Performances in each age group, PB certiciates and Multi Event. You can also get a list of these recipient recipients.



Club Manager is sold on a per athlete basis so all clubs can afford it.

Club Manager is priced on a 'per athlete' basis for initial licensing and setup. Club Websites are setup for a reasonable cost. You get a website that works for you. A nominal annual maintenance fee is charged for continued support and upgrades. Learn More

Recognising that clubs are run by volunteers who have a wide range of skills and levels of commitment and generally being time-poor; Club Manager has been developed with great care that it be error free and intuitive. With this in mind it is reasonable to expect that you will not have too much trouble with Club Manager. However, if things do go wrong then support is available via Online Support Form, Email, and Phone. Learn More